The water distribution system
In the project town of Saba, the majority of the inhabitants live from agriculture. The procurement of the necessary water is not easy. Especially in the dry season it is very difficult to get enough water, which is why the fields could not be cultivated during this time. In order to get water, deep holes were dug, which functioned as wells and from which the water was pulled up with a bucket. This was not only exhausting, but also dangerous because of the unpaved edges of the wells. In addition, these wells were usually not durable for long, and had to be renewed again and again.
The water distribution system built in 2019 has improved these circumstances and made it possible to cultivate the fields all year round, even in the dry season.
The cultivated area is divided into two large gardens. These are in turn divided into vegetable gardens of about 10×10 meters, each cultivated by one person.
In the New Garden, a borehole and a pumping system powered by solar panels were constructed to deliver water to the elevated tanks. From there, a piping system distributes the water to the extraction tanks. Thus, within reach of each vegetable garden is a withdrawal basin from which the required water can be taken. Thus, a safe and easy way to provide the water needed for cultivation has been created.
Another trip planned for April 2020 to explore further project opportunities and review the system had to be cancelled due to the Corona pandemic. In the two following years, we were only able to maintain digital contact with Phanmaggi due to travel restrictions.
In 2021, project work focused primarily on digital reconnaissance for the potential construction of a multi-function building (MFG) to store crops, tools, and fertilizer. However, following a severe storm in August 2021 that damaged over 40 houses in Saba and staffing delays at Phanmaggi, the digital reconnaissance sheet could not be completed for a long time.
Finally, in May 2022 – for the first time in more than two years – a four-member team traveled to Saba with the aim of carrying out the prepared exploration in presence and checking the condition of the water system. Unfortunately, some damages and deficiencies were found. Together with the local maintenance team the most urgent problems were repaired. However, it also had to be determined that in 2019 too small pipe diameters were chosen for the system due to a calculation error. As a result, the water could not flow fast enough from the elevated tanks into the reservoirs and the pump could not work with the desired pumping effect. It became clear to us that major improvements were necessary for the system.
Thus, in a repair trip in the fall of 2022, the “New Garden” was extended by an additional pipeline to ensure sufficient water flow. In a subsequent trip, in May 2023, the “Old Garden” was also extended by another pipeline, just as in the “New Garden”. In addition, the solar array was extended. With these improvements, we can ensure that there is always enough water for adequate irrigation of the vegetable gardens.