Project phase III – Rainwater cisterns and water treatment for the school building
In the third project phase, two underground cisterns for the Secondary School’s water supply were built in the summer of 2017. The two cisterns are fed from two side wings of the school building and can hold a total of 80,000 litres. The walls are made of ISSB bricks, floor and ceiling are made of reinforced concrete. They protrude 45cm from the ground and serve as seating for the students during their breaks. A solar-powered pump pumps the stored water into the 5000-litre elevated tank. From there it runs, driven only by the hydrostatic pressure, through the water treatment plant to water taps for the pupils.
Due to our good experience in previous projects, we also use slow sand filters for water treatment here. To ensure the supply of 800 pupils, three filters with a total of 2.5 tons of sand were installed. After filtering, the water runs into extraction tanks from which the water is directed to the taps outside the building. The maintenance of cisterns and filter system is carried out by a trained caretaker on site.