
Bank Details


EWB - KIT e.V.

Bank Name

Sparkasse Karlsruhe


DE25 6605 0101 0108 0856 55



Note to payee

Project Name

Donation in kind

You would like to donate material to a project? Please write an e-mail to the fundraising manager of the project.



You would like to make a donation online? Select a project.



You would like to become a sponsoring member and give us long-term support? Fill out the membership form.


Why support EWB?

Our projects live on your support. We are a volunteer student group, every single member is fully convinced of our goals. Support our commitment.

Our project work in countries of the global south lives from the cooperation with the local people. Together with existing local organisations, we form common visions and formulate goals. In our projects, we emphasize sustainability and long-term success. We achieve this through the full integration of all projects into the local structures, which is supported by the independence of our project partners.


We are part of the “Initiative Transparente Zivilgesellschaft”. We disclose our organisation work openly. You can find a detailed breakdown of our expenditures here.


How can you support EWB?

Help us with a one-time donation. This could be a monetary donation or a donation in kind. Or become a supporting member of our organization and help us in the long run.

Donation Account

You want to make a monetary donation? You will find all the information you need here.

Supporting Membership

You would like to become a supporting member and help us in the long run? Please fill out the supporting membership form.


You want to donate through Betterplace – Germany’s largest donation platform? It’s quick and easy. Betterplace retains 2.5% of the donation to cover costs.


Donation in kind

You would like to make a donation in kind to a project? Write an email to the fundraising contact of the project.


Donation Receipt

You will receive a donation receipt from us. As a non-profit association, we can issue this for a donation of at least 50€. This also applies to donations in kind and services. For a secure postal delivery of the receipt we require your complete address. Please add the address to the purpose of your transfer.

The issuing of donation receipts for bank transfers is done on a quarterly basis. The reason for this is the involved expense. As a volunteer student organisation, we do not use donations to manage our finances. However, the receipts are sent in time for tax returns.

We would like to thank the numerous private donors, companies and foundations who are already actively supporting us.

Contact Person
Elena Nikolay
Sonja Müller