

You want to initiate a new project group? Please contact our Deputy Chairman. He will help you.

Join in

You want to join a project group? Then choose a project and get in touch with the contact for new members.

Sign Up

You want to become a regular member of EWB? Then fill out the membership form.



How can I become a part of EWB?

Join an existing project group. Here, you are specifically involved in the organization and planning of the project and will take on tasks such as fundraising, construction, logistics or travel planning. You already have contacts in a developing country or a special relationship with a developing country? So why not start a new project? Or support our board and Team Karlsruhe work. In the board, you coordinate the cooperation between the projects and the cooperation between the departments. In addition, you organize and manage the structures of our organization. In the departments of Marketing, IT and Relationship Management of Team Karlsruhe, we create the fundamentals and tools we need for our projects. Here, too, you can get involved.

What features EWB Karlsruhe especially is the fact that all members volunteer. We are therefore glad about anyone who wants to join our cause.

Join an existing project group.

If you want to join an existing project group, you are welcome to attend the project’s regular meeting. The times for each project group can be found in the table below. However, some project groups do not meet every week. For this reason, you can write an email to the “contact for new members” of the group you want to join. He will tell you when and where the group meets. You can find his contact at the end of the page with the corresponding project name.


Project / Ressort Regular meetings Contact E-Mail-Address
Hydroélectricité Idjwi, Kongo Wednesdays
7:00 pm
Malin Lange
Saaba Garden Market, Gambia Tuesdays
7:30 pm
Miriam Ballarin, Paul Gerling
Lankaponics, Sri Lanka Wednesdays
7:15 pm
Kieu Dang
Dhuskun, Nepal Thursdays
7:00 pm
Sebastian Both
Beaumont, Haiti Wednesdays (14 days)
7:30 pm
Kolya Sass
Kinyo, Uganda Wednesdays
7:00 pm
Lina Tautz, Jannik Braun
Generación, Peru Tuesdays
7:00 pm
Laurens van Houte
Island of Hope, Kenia Tuesdays (14 days)
7:30 pm
Jerome Möbus, Jan Krause
Social Responsibility Ressort by arrangement Annika Hönl, Tom Grünert
Network and Fundraising Ressort Monday (14 days)
6:00 pm
Antoine Dávid
Marketing Ressort by arrangement Philipp Zell
IT Ressort by arrangement Felix Louven

Initiate a new project

You have a special relationship to a developing country? And maybe even contacts to potential project partners? Or simply a great desire to find a project and take it into your own hands? Then you are right with us. Please write an email to our deputy chairman. He will be able to help you. You can find his contact at the end of the page.

Become a member

Join our organization if you feel like you belong to us . If you want to participate in a project, you should become a member. Thereby, you also receive the right to vote at our General Meeting, in which we make important votes for the organization. You can get a membership form from the project manager at the meetings of a project group, which is of interest to you.

Kolya Sass
Kim Skade
Miriam Ballarin
Lukas Deisenrieder